
Hi I’m Julie. Today we are going to learn how to work towards being able to do a head stand. Variation one: Sirsasana A, is a supported headstand and we will start by coming into table top position on your hands and knees. Today I discuss some general guidelines when getting into head stand, but remember to always be careful when trying any posture, especially head stands.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDV90-Oxz2o[/embedyt]

Make sure to tuck the chin in to the chest. Walk the knees close enough so that you can plant the crown of your head down on the mat. Gently cradle the back of the skull with your hands. Use your arms to gauge the amount of pressure that you’re feeling on your neck and on your head. So the more we press the arms down the shoulders firm and we lift some of that weight up off of the head. Lift your tailbone high and walk your feet in. Just keep walking as close as you can. So we want the thighs coming close to the belly and the hips will even lean past the shoulders a little bit. Draw the ribs into the midline. Lengthen out through our legs. Hallow out through your low belly. And use your arms here to balance yourself. So if the feet feel like they’re falling back then press into the elbows. Take it back down exact opposite way so send the hips back past the shoulders. Just slowly lower the feet down. Come back down onto your knees. And release into child’s pose here. So just stretch out through your arms. Nice and long through the spine. And you can hang out there as long as you want. But keep practicing because there are a lot of steps involved. Just take it step by step. When you’ve mastered one step, you move on to the next. And then just keep building up against that foundation. Thank you so much for watching. Have fun practicing. Namaste.