
Crow pose may seem intimidating if you haven’t done it before, but it is one of those fun poses people love to do in class. As promised, we are going to demonstrate how to get into crow easily and safely. To make it a little easier to begin, we will use a block towards the back half of the mat. Open your knees up wide, and create space in your hips which is actually needed to hold crow pose. Walk the hands shoulder distance apart. Press down into your arms and slowly lift your hips up, chataranga the arms, try to lift one leg a time, but take your time to make sure you stay safe. Crow pose is great for strengthening the arms, core and balance.

You can do the same thing without the block. But, chataranga the arms the same way it was done using the block. Remember to engage your core, expand through your upper back. One common mistake is that we are afraid to come too far forward. Practice being comfortable moving up and back. Thanks for watching and if you found this helpful please don’t forget to subscribe and share with your friends.